ekoDEM Pardubice
professional services in air protection
professional services in air protection
As an operator of an air pollution source, you have the obligation to identify the amount of discharging polluting substances according to the Act on air protection No. 201/2012 Sb., as amended, especially by carrying out the authorised measurements of emissions.
We would like to help you with this obligation – we provide authorised measurements of emissions by all kinds of pollution sources.
Within the scope of safety and health protection of workers during the work on the workplace, we perform accredited measurements in accordance with the Government Regulation No. 361/2007 Sb., as amended, including a proposal of classification the jobs into categories pursuant to the Decree No. 432/2003 Sb.,
as amended.
Based on a mutual agreement and workplace inspections, we determine possible risks and the proposed procedure for measurement implementation.
Have you got problems with filtration, aren’t you fulfilling limits of emissions and do you want to do something about this problem?
Then just to you, we offer an operational measurement of emissions which helps you find out the reason of problems and which helps you find a solution for process and production optimalization.
Continuous measurement of inorganic and organic substances is successfully used by the inspection of air pollution sources settings and system settings of pollutant elimination by observing the concentration course of observed substances and by many other applications pursuant to client’s requirements.
The extent of measured compounds: H2O, CO2, CO, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, NH3, CH4, HCl, HF and other VOC (formaldehyde, …).
Our company uses the portable FTIR spectrometer Gasmet DX4000.
The area of environment protection brings to companies plenty of obligations, every hand is helpful by its execution.
Our company provides professional services which assure you duly, precise and quality execution of your obligations and an adequate overview in the legislation in force in the area of environment protection.
Společnost ekoDEM Pardubice s.r.o. jako distributor zařízení pro měření emisí společnosti
POLLUTION Analytical Equipment.
Analyzátor POLARIS FID SMART EDITION (SE) je on-site analyzátor pro detekci celkového organického uhlíku (TOC) v souladu s EN 12619:2013, metodou EPA 25A a EN25140:2010.
Je to plně přenosný přístroj, který obsahuje vše potřebné pro kontinuální měření emisí na místě zdroje znečišťování ovzduší.
POLARIS FID SE je chytrý díky připojení Bluetooth a navržené APP pro zobrazení dat a grafů v reálném čase pro jakékoli chytré zařízení Android.
Jan Eichler
+420 602 346 233
Společnost ekoDEM Pardubice s.r.o. jako distributor zařízení pro měření emisí společnosti TCR TECORA.
TCR Tecora navrhuje a vyrábí přístroje pro vzorkování průmyslových emisí a měření kvality ovzduší.
Portfolio produktů nabízí širokou škálu vzorkovačů, analyzátorů a příslušenství pro odběr vzorků/analýzu v souladu s EN 13284, EN ISO 16911-1 pro vzorkování TZL, EN 14385, EN 13211 pro vzorkování kovů, EN 1948-1 pro vzorkování PCDD/F, PCB a PAH.
Pavel Dohnálek
+420 770 663 113
We are a family company that places emphasis on quality and honest work. Our priority is the contented client whom we provide services in the area of environment protection on the basis of four building stones:
We are searching for new challenges, new processes and new technologies so that we put a step forward to our work and to our provided services as they should look like in the 21st century.
We dispose of experience over many years from the area of measurement of emissions, we dispose of modern equipments for measuring and sampling, and also of new ideas, ideals and goals.
As a unit, we are able to provide services in environment protection to our clients from the permissions through measurements to mandatory reportings.
We will be grateful for every meeting which brings something positive both to us and to you, our customers.
In the name of ekoDEM Pardubice s.r.o.
Ing. Pavel Dohnálek,
company director
ekoDEM Pardubice s.r.o.
K Třešňovce 247
533 75 Dolní Ředice
Czech Republic
Databox: ngyq2wx
Company ID: 09651799
Tax ID: CZ09651799
Ing. Pavel Dohnálek
e-mail: dohnalek@ekodem.cz
phone: 770 663 113
Ing. Marek Moučka
e-mail: moucka@ekodem.cz
phone: 770 663 223
Bc. Jan Eichler
e-mail: eichler@ekodem.cz
phone: 602 346 233
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Hradci Králové pod spis. zn. C 46613.