We also provide actions directly connected to emission measurement and to operation of air pollution sources to assure complex services in the area of environment protection to our customers, and in particular as follows:
ISPOP (Intergrated System of Reporting Obligation Fulfillment), IRZ (Integrated Pollution Register), reportings and calculation of taxes and balances
- Processing of regular reporting for operated pollution sources
- Imlementation of pollution sources
- Calculation of taxes
- Processing of annual mass balance of solvents, calculation of fugitive emissions
- Record management of regular obligatory authorised measurements and surveillance on fulfillment of obligations with regard to the Czech Environmental Inspectorate
IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)
- Elaboration of complex request for IP release (including all necessary annexes)
- Elaboration of request for IP change and consultation with state administration authorities
- Elaboration of individual documents – expertise, rules of operation and emergency rules, comparison of devices with the best available techniques and so on.
- Evaluation elaboration of IP conditions compliance
Other professional services
- elaboration of expertise and dissapation studies by an authorised person according to the Act on air protection
- elaboration of pollution sources rules of operation
- elaboration of requests for air pollution source placement
- elaboration of application for air pollution source operation permission
We also provide above mentioned actions to our clients in the form of external business ecology and one-off external audits focused especially on the area of the air protection.